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We tell you the true story of Rudy Kurniawan: The Greatest Wine Forger THE 12 SLUTS OF BURGUNDY The year is 2000. Contrary to Nostradamus' predictions, the Earth still revolves around the sun, Trezégo...
Read moreAphid, parasite of the vine, phylloxera has decimated the entire French vineyard in a few years. A short story of what the Americans have brought us worst after the influencers. On the importance of win...
Read moreIn 1855, Napoleon III, in view of the Universal Exhibition, requested for the first time to rank the wines of the Médoc . Nearly 2 centuries later, this classification, which has only been “modified” on...
Read moreA glass is always held by the foot or the stem. Many people hold it by the chalice, that is to say the cup. Firstly because, unless you wear gloves, you risk leaving nasty fingerprints on your glass. Secondly because you would warm the wine.
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